Product Information
Silicon Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Core Architecture: -
Core Sub-Architecture: -
Silicon Core Number: DS1307
Silicon Family Name: -
For Use With: Arduino Development Boards
Kit Contents: Gravity I2C DS1307 RTC Module, Gravity-4Pin I2C/UART Cable, XH2.54-5P Pin Header
Product Range: -
Product Overview
Gravity I2C DS1307 RTC module comes with a gravity I2C interface. Its size is also reduced to fit miniaturization application. This module is an easy-to-use real time clock module. It is cheap and affordable in most applications such as time clock and data logger. DS1307 RTC module adopts high precision crystal oscillator which reduces time error dramatically. It is smaller and keeps EEPROM 4KB ROM to record information related to alarm clocks and events. Besides, users can set the I2C address by resistance adjustment. Gravity DS1307 RTC module uses gravity I2C interface and users can plug it on the DFRobot gravity IO expansion shield directly. Cooperate with Arduino DS1307 library developed by DFRobot, it is easy to realize functions like setting time and time display. It can be widely used in DA (data acquisition).
Operating voltage is 5V
I2C (gravity PH2.0-4P interface and XH2.54 pins) interface
Hour, minutes, seconds, week, day, month, year IC output data
Leap year compensation
Accurate calendar up to year 2100
1Hz output pin
56bytes of non-volatile memory available to user
Size is 0.81inch x 1.06inch (22mm x 27mm), weight is 6g