Stmicroelectronics (STM32L031F6P6) ARM MCU, 32 bit, 32 MHz, 32 KB
ARM MCU, STM32 Family STM32L0 Series Microcontrollers, ARM Cortex-M0+, 32 bit, 32 MHz, 32 KB Product Information Product Range: STM32 Family STM32L0 Series Microcontrollers Device Core: ARM Cortex-M0+ No. of Bits: 32bit Data Bus Width: 32bit Operating Frequency Max: 32MHz CPU Speed: 32MHz RAM Memory Size: 8KB IC Case / Package: TSSOP No. of Pins: 20Pins MCU Case Style: TSSOP No. of I/O's: 15I/O's Interfaces: I2C, SPI, UART, USART Embedded Interface Type: I2C, SPI, UART, USART Supply Voltage Min: 1.8V Supply Voltage Max: 3.6V MCU Family: STM32 MCU Series: STM32L0