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Microchip (MA320015) Daughter Board, PIC32MX570F512L Plug In Module
Product Information Silicon Manufacturer: Microchip Core Architecture: PIC Core Sub-Architecture: PIC32 Silicon Core Number: PIC32MX570F512L Silicon Family Name: PIC32MX For Use With: Microchip Explorer 16 Development Boards Kit Contents: Plug-in Module PIC32MX570F512L Product Range: - Product Overview The MA320015 is a Plug-in Module designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC32MX570F512L family of devices using explorer 16 development board (DM240001), which supports 100-pin PIM interfaces, in conjunction with CAN and USB PICtail™ plus daughter boards. The PIM features a PIC32MX570F512L running at 50MHz/83DMIPS with 512kB flash, 64kB RAM, CAN, USB device/host/OTG, SPI/12S, ADCs and comparators.