Bourns (2020-15T-C2LF) Gas Discharge Tube (GDT), 60 V, 5 kA, 500 V
Gas Discharge Tube (GDT), 60 V, 3 Terminal Through Hole, 5 kA, 500 V Product Information Product Range: 2020 T DC Breakover Voltage: 60V GDT Case Style: 3 Terminal Through Hole Impulse Discharge Current: 5kA Impulse Sparkover Voltage: 500V Product Overview The 2020 T series 3-electrode miniature Gas Discharge Tube designed to operate with TBU® devices. It is suitable for telecommunications and industrial electronics. Fast acting Balanced Stable breakdown throughout life Test methods per ITU-T K.12, IEEE C62.31 and IEC 61643-311 GDT standards Applications Safety, Communications & Networking, Industrial, Consumer Electronics, Avionics